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Smart Honest Leaders (SHL)ist verpflichtet zu weltweite Lieferung von PräzisionsteilenDasdie Anforderungen seines vielfältigen Kundenstamms zu erfüllen und alle geltenden behördlichen Vorschriften, Industriestandards und Kundenanforderungen einzuhalten Dasrespektiert, schützt und bewahrt unsere Umweltmithöchste Ehrlichkeit und Transparenz.

Engineer Working on Machinery


"SHL erwartet alle Direktoren, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter und Partner von Smart Honest Leaders (SHL)das zu habenhöchsten Sinn für Ethik, um ehrlich und vertrauenswürdig zu sein und zuVorbilder sein an ihre Kollegen!“


Smart Honest Leaders (SHL) ist bestrebt, weltweit Präzisionsteile zu liefern, die den Anforderungen seines vielfältigen Kundenstamms entsprechen und allen geltenden staatlichen Vorschriften, Industriestandards und Kundenanforderungen entsprechen, die unsere Umwelt respektieren, schützen und erhalten.

REACH Compliant

(REACH = Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) EU Directive 1907/2006 has been in force since 01 June 2007. Its main purpose is to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment against hazards stemming from chemical substances. To contribute to environmental and health protection, all products we bring onto the market are made from materials that are consistent with this directive.

Smart Honest Leaders (SHL) complies with the safe use and identification of chemicals per the applicable requirements of the EU Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, which is known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals). REACH requires article (product) suppliers to inform recipients if an article contains a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) in excess of 0.1% by weight. As a company not manufacturing any base materials, we confirm REACH compliance via our supply chain partners. As stated in the Directive, SHL products (including shipping and packaging materials) do not contain any levels of SVHCs in excess of 0.1% by weight.


None of our materials are typically analyzed for content, relying on the material suppliers for Certifications and available MSDS. We continually work with our suppliers to ensure that all requirements are met and that they remain in full compliance with current and future REACH requirements. No SVHC substances are knowingly used or intentionally added during the manufacturing processes.


The latest Directive 2015/863/EU on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS 3) went into effect July 22, 2019.

The RoHS directive restricts the use of the following, with no more than the maximum concentration value by weight in homogeneous substances on products sold into European markets:


Lead- 0.1%

Mercury- 0.1%

Cadmium- 0.01%

Hexavalent Chromium Polybrominated- 0.1%

Biphenyls (PBB) Polybrominated Diphenyl- 0.1%

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)- 0.1%

Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)- 0.1%

Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)- 0.1%

Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)- 0.1%

Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)- 0.1%

All of SHL's manufactured parts are fully compliant and we will continue to assure compliance as new precision parts are being manufactured. 

Conflict Free Mineral Policy

SHL strongly supports the efforts to eliminate the trade in minerals that originate from conflict areas. These efforts attempt to eliminate the financial base that supports wars and armed conflict in the region of Congo as well as the nine adjoining countries: Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo Republic, Rwanda, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Zambia.

We recognize the risks of significant adverse impacts which may be associated with extracting, trading, handling and exporting minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas and that we have the responsibility to respect human rights and commit to refraining from any action which contributes to the financing of conflict.

We therefore commit to adopt, widely disseminate and incorporate in contracts and/or agreements with suppliers the policy of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.


SHL has adopted an sourcing policy to select details, parts and components that are DRC conflict free.

Anti Corruption Policy

The company has established an effective internal control system, and regularly organizes education and training for employees every year. All new employees are required to sign the "Integrity and Intellectual Property Confidentiality Agreement", and employees will be given rules and management systems on the first day they enter the company.

Corporate ethics and ethics training, clearly convey the rights and obligations of employees.

Suppliers or other partners are required to sign a "Anti- Bribery & Corruption Policy" and strictly implement a high-standard anti-corruption policy, as a prerequisite for partners.


We expect all directors, senior management, employees and partners of Smart Honest Leaders (SHL) to have the highest sense of ethics, to be honest and worthy of trust and to be role models to their colleagues!




We take your complaints/ suggestions seriously and your concern matters to us, so we would like to hear from you if any of your disclosure is related to improper practices occurring within SHL.

Any disclosure can be made to any of the following dedicated reporting channels:


1. Email to


2. Send via post to:


    66, Jalan Idaman,

    Taman Idaman,

    14100 Simpang Ampat,

    Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.


ÜberRichtlinienwerden auch mit allen unseren Lieferanten von Produkten, die eines dieser Mineralien enthalten, kommuniziert und die Erwartungen an die Sorgfaltspflicht sind in die Verträge aufzunehmen. Im Hinblick auf den wirtschaftlichen Wert werden die fünf größten Lieferanten jährlich im Hinblick auf diese Richtlinien angesprochen.

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